Weeku Eduq

We’re here to serve:

Common spaces for chemistry and biology practices, for schools in need (in 2023, at least 90% of secondary schools in the DRC do not biochemistry lab)
common spaces to watch scientific videos (documentaries, reports, etc.) on various courses and the exhibition of scientific objects often learned only in theory
Image from Freepik
shared workshops for practicing mechanics, electronics, electricity and other technical works
Raising young people’s awareness of various themes included in the sustainable development goals (health, hygiene, the economy, the environment, etc.), mainly through posters designed to adorn the walls of classrooms in partner schools, and through social networks.
Popularizing the messages of various partners, mainly NGOs and government bodies, to target populations
– Identification of the essential knowledge lacking among the young population and the general population, and organization of training courses to increase knowledge on the targeted subjects.
– Identification of essential knowledge lacking among the general population, and organization of mass awareness campaigns.
Rental of training & conference rooms
Image from Freepik
Image from Freepik
Image from Freepik
– Continous reflection on new ways to improve learning in schools.
Audio and video transcription & Customized translation of texts and audio-visual content into English, French and Congolese national languages (Tshiluba, Lingala, Kikongo, Swahili)

Weeku Eduq

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